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You Are Reiki

We Are naturally alive in Reiki. Reiki is the Pranic Life Force within us all, and all of Life. Its vibratory Wellness determines the health of the Life Force Energy within us all; Animal, Vegetable and Mineral. Reiki is accessed as an intentional healing blessing from our Higher Consciousness Self Manifesting as Restoring Peace, Love, Harmony & Balance to heal us from our Childhood Wounding/Trauma for WHOLE BEING WELLNESS, which incorporates Mind, Body, Emotions, Spirit, Soul.
Reiki is Impersonal and beyond Traditions and Certifications, though we acknowledge that accessing one's Inner impersonal source of Reiki requires a high level of spiritual intention as inspired by Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai As Spirit Reiki. We are very grateful for Usui Reiki and Gakkai member Doi sensei who taught us by sharing this re-discovered ancient tool for all Beings' energy elevation. Passing the knowledge forward requires proper learning and understanding.
We at Spirit Reiki step outside of the confines of ownership to the unlimited realm of Reiki to access Source Reiki directly from within our Reiki-selves. In Spirit Reiki, the learning is passed On-Line and energetically with Impersonal Reiki utilizing todays modality of ON-LINE SEMINARS in 3 Branches:

Phase 1: Re-Energizing the Channel that accesses your Inner Reiki and Universal Reiki for self and Other healing
Phase 2: Empowering your Source Reiki beyond Time and Space to transmit Reiki healing your childhood wounds for you and people, places, and events at a Distance from you, which also heals the attached fears of the future
Phase 3: Empowers the Intention to access Reiki for the most deeply Inner Reiki Self Purification for Healing oneself with the Spiritual Intention for Enlightenment.
wgich inspires others by your presence of being. This is the final Seminar in the Spirit Reiki Course.